For too long, QM in manufacturing has been at the beck and call of antique instruments — pen and paper. Many QM processes on the factory floor are still executed and tracked via analog tools like these. While your team may be used to scribbling on blank sheets, in the larger sense it is only holding your QM and your company back. It’s time to put down the pen and paper and transition to a cloud-based quality management system. This digital solution gives you a faster, more secure, and more reliable way to engage with Quality Management — advantages your company can’t afford to miss out on.
Why is it time for cloud-based QMS in your manufacturing business? Let’s look at the main benefits.
The rest of your organization is already there
It’s not that just a few organizations are in the cloud — everyone is. It is estimated that 94 percent of enterprises currently are heavily invested in cloud. Chances are that even if your QM processes are still paper-based, some or much of the rest of your organization is leveraging digital workflows and/or is in the cloud. Adopting a cloud-based QMS will align your QC/QM processes with the rest of your organization and support data consistency and collaboration across your company.
Paper-based quality management is prone to human error
Even the most skilled and well-trained employee at your organization can still make mistakes. Pen and paper notation is notorious for introducing the “human error” factor into the QC process. Digitization of data and its best friend automation both work to reduce false or redundant data. When a single incorrect data point can significantly impact results, reducing the risks of human error should be at the top of your list.
A cloud-based QMS will provide a ‘single pane of glass’ view of data
Even the most precise QM is not worth anything if data can’t be accessed and parsed by the right stakeholders. Working with a cloud-based QMS ensures that everyone who needs access to your QC/QM data has it. Moreover, it helps ensure that everyone has access to the most recent data anytime, anywhere. Using pen and paper to track processes siloes data, making insights and business decisions that much more complicated.
Industry 4.0 is happening, and you need to keep up
Folded into this is Quality 4.0, which requires that organizations access, compile, and store big data effectively and in real-time. Legacy approaches to QM that include pen and paper won’t act in support of the digital revolution to come. New industry QM standards, such as proactive quality, will only be successful if they are executed with the right digital solutions, including a cloud-based QMS. To take it a step further, you could opt for a no-code QMS. This will not only empower the quality team to implement and maintain the QMS, but it will ensure that you future-proof your QM processes.
A cloud-based QMS will save you time and money
Then, of course, there are always the most important issues — time and money. When you put aside your legacy solutions and put down the pen and paper in exchange for a cloud-based QMS, your team will work more quickly and efficiently, for one. They will also have more time to then focus on big picture endeavors at your company. Finally, a cloud-based QMS requires no hardware, ongoing maintenance, or an expensive and deep bench of tech experts. In fact, a no-code QMS requires no input from the IT department. By simply paying a subscription, you get access to software and infrastructure that asks you to let it do what it does best.
Implementing a cloud-based QMS is an easy process when you work with the right solution. Let’s discuss your needs, answer your questions and tell you how AlisQI makes your quality management smart and omnipresent.