Document Management System for Manufacturing
Quality manuals people actually use
Quality manuals can be rather beefy and complex. With our flow charts you make a visual representation of your processes and connect the relevant documents and forms to each step. Your organization will see processes they recognize.
No more searching. No more old versions. No more dead links.

Make a jump start by uploading all your documents and flowcharts
You don’t start from scratch, of course. There is no need for that when implementing a new document management system. Simply upload your entire manual to AlisQI in one go, and use AlisQI to revise your procedures. Easily assign owners, revision terms and notification groups.
We will take care of the version control, archive, and up-to-date document register. All so that you can focus on the contents of your procedures: your quality.

We automate your routine
We will tell your team what to do. Which documents need to be reviewed, which modification proposals have been submitted or which documents have been updated.
We automate your routine, so you can focus on improving.

All your documents, everywhere on any device
To us, modern Quality Management is all about omnipresence. Your quality documents and tools need to be available for your team, wherever they are. That is why AlisQI is a cloud solution that works on any device and does not limit the number of users.

Explore our features
- Quality Manuals
- Compliance
- Interactive flowcharts
- Reporting
- Integration
Quality Manuals people actually use
- Drag & drop upload of all documents
- Unlimited number of documents
- Accessible for the entire organization & supply chain (with permission management)
- All common office & PDF formats
- Upload all existing documents in one go
- Automatic Document Register
- Revision term per document
- Online Office viewer (reading without download)
- Easy search (on title + contents)
- Automatic version control & archiving
Compliance without hassle
- Compliant with ISO/HACCP/BRC/…
- Email notifications & reminders for overdue documents
- Digital modification processes
- Automatic version control & archiving
- Audit trails
- Automatic email triggers when user needs to take action
- Permission management
- eSignatures
Interactive flowcharts
- Import existing flowcharts & diagrams from Visio or Powerpoint
- Easily connect documents, forms, graphs and processes
- Connect flowcharts to create a process chain
- Add external links (to systems, files or video)
- Automatically updated with new document versions
- Build your own quality intranet
- Automatically updated document register
- Document revision notifications
- Graphical overview of DMS activity
- Statistics and KPI’s
- Trend analysis
- Integrate with Quality Control forms, link test method documentation to test fields
- Link with QESH forms, link forms from flow charts and documents and vice versa
- Link documents to each other with permanent links
How to future-proof your Quality Management
Learn about Quality Management in the era of Smart Manufacturing and how you can future-proof your own Quality Management.

Three pillars of integrated Quality Management
Collect all your data in one Quality Control (QC) system. Our Statistical Process Control (SPC) analytics will let you learn from your own data.
Let's plan a free demo!
We would love to show you how your factory can benefit from using our software, save up to 20% on time and reduce waste by up to 15%! Join our 1-hour online demo to get a clear impression of how AlisQI could help you work smarter.