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Discover the Power of Your Total Cost of Quality

• Get the quality investments you need
• Earn quality a seat at the table

You need a Big Q quality culture where quality always has a seat at the table. Top management wants big bucks. Here’s the guide that spells out how Big Q equals big bucks.

Learn how to use your total cost of quality to get the quality investments you need.

Master essential TCoQ insights and strategies—and help top management see quality for what it is: a significant contributor to financial performance.

Start talking about quality in the language top management understands and acts on. Money.

Capture top management’s attention with practical levers for change:

  • Show how you can shave 10% (or more) off the total cost of quality—and add at least 0.5% of revenue to profits.
  • Demonstrate how quality becomes free (yes, free!) above a certain quality threshold.
  • Uncover the “hidden factory” that’s draining—on average—3.4% of total revenue.
  • Identify the three red flags that your appraisal costs are out of control—and how to stop the losses.
  • Deliver the straight-talking memo that surfaces the “iceberg” of internal failure costs.
  • Highlight why the 1:10:100 rule is your CFO’s best friend.
  • Reveal the surprising reason quality processes aren’t followed—and the costly consequences of this.

Get your Total Cost of Quality Guide now

See the following images for a sneak peek at our downloadable guide

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